Sunday, March 3, 2024

2018 Hero Decks Dallas Cowboys Herschel Walker Four of Hearts



          The "Hero Decks" line has been around for a long time. Baseball, Football, Basketball, Hockey and Collegiate Sports, among other things, are represented. These are 52 card decks, which can be used as actual playing cards.

          Herschel was represented in the Dallas Cowboys set, in three separate printings. The first in 2006, next in 2012 and 2018. His card is the 4 of Hearts in all three sets.

          The card above is the 2018 version. It is distinct from the others, because of the two black dots in the center of the card back. Nearly impossible to see with the naked eye, there is a small number 3 in each dot, indicating the third printing. At least, that's what TCDB's description says. However, there are no dots, or numbers on the second, 2012 set.

          As you would expect, Walker is also represented in the 2007 Georgia Bulldogs set. In that set, he is the Ace of Spades.

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